Why You Need a Nonprofit Public Relations Agency

Have you ever wondered why certain nonprofits make it to the Arts and Culture section of your city’s paper or are featured on the local news station?

Why them? You think forlornly. Why them and not us? 

Here’s your answer: those nonprofits have a nonprofit public relations agency helping them achieve their biggest goals. 

What a NonProfit Public Relations Agency Does

PR agencies give your organization opportunities for positive exposure through editorial coverage, also known as “earned” media—websites, newspapers, magazines, and TV appearances. 

To do that, a PR agency has to:

  • Write and distribute press releases
  • Draft public speeches for press conferences and other public events
  • Pitch your organization’s mission or latest events to journalists
  • Help create or design special events to help public outreach and media relations
  • Conduct research on your target donor base
  • Offer strategies to help your organization handle public crises or controversies

A PR agency’s goal is to promote your nonprofit, amplify your values, your mission, and increase community engagement in your work through awareness campaigns. 

4 Reasons Why You Need a PR Agency for Your Nonprofit

As a nonprofit, your team is a lean, mean, world-changing machine—slight emphasis on lean. Every dollar has to count, not just for your team, but for the cause you’re serving.

So why allocate precious resources to a public relations agency?

Because you’ll see a huge return on that investment in a number of ways.

#1 PR Agencies Help You Get the Word Out To People Ready to Listen

Not only will your PR agency know what to say, they know who to say them to. A public relations plan for nonprofits will include extensive audience research to help your organization pinpoint communities who are excited to hear what you have to say.

#2 Be Prepared for the Good News and the Bad News

Let’s say the dream comes true—your organization gets chosen for an amazing service award or a once-in-a-lifetime grant. Break out the confetti! Pop the sparkling cider! And of course, tell everyone!

Here’s what that looks like…

…without a PR agency 

An exciting post on your social media account and mentioning the big win in an email. 

…with a PR agency

A press conference is called, the seats filled with representatives from major news organizations. You’re being featured in the local—and maybe even national—news. Your president is getting ready for her close-up on the Today Show. And you’ve never had more volunteer applications in your entire life. 

PR agencies can help you share your big news in a big way. 

And when bad news strikes—the region you’re serving experiences a serious tragedy, for example—your PR team can get the word out, sending a rally call for your community to take action for your cause. 

#3 Stay Relevant

Have you heard the song, “My Sharona” by The Knack? You probably know the song, might even be able to hum a few bars… but can you name any other songs produced by The Knack?

Unless you’re a nonprofit for pop musicians, probably not.

You don’t want your organization to be a one-hit wonder. You want to stay relevant to your community, on the tip of everyone’s tongue, on the brain of every potential donor! Public relations agencies can help keep your organization in the conversation through consistent media relations efforts, amplifying your latest work, and the human interest stories that hook potential donors and volunteers. 

Billboard Top 100’s, here we come!

#4 It’s One Less Thing For You To Worry About

Nonprofits are full of resourceful, go-getting superheroes. In fact, you may have already typed in “how to write a public relations plan for a nonprofit” into Google.

But your time and your team’s time is best spent on what you do best—serving your cause and paving the way to achieve your organization’s mission.

Your to-do list doesn’t need… 

  • Maintaining media contacts
  • Crafting artful press releases that perk up a journalist’s this-is-a-scoop senses
  • Maneuvering through the minefield of public outreach initiatives takes expertise

Leave PR to the people who can help show the world the extraordinary qualities of your organization.

(Hint, we might know some). 

Always Make a Great Impression with Puzzle Pieces

According to Forbes, “A good agency can analyze the organization, find the positive messages, and translate those messages into positive media stories.”

In our opinion, a great agency will be true partners to your organization, going extraordinary lengths to understand your voice and mission and bring your story to larger audiences than ever before. The kind of agency that is inspired by your work and is determined to see your organization’s aspirations come true. 

To that end, Hi! We’re Puzzle Pieces. And we want to be your PR partners. Give us a call today and let’s talk. 


Forbes. What Does a Public Relations Agency Do? https://www.forbes.com/sites/robertwynne/2013/04/10/what-does-a-public-relations-agency-do/?sh=5f192b1f75d9