How to Use Social Media for Nonprofits as a Revenue Stream

Social Media has become an astonishing profitable marketing strategy in the last decade. As the use of social media grows more lucrative, the necessity for it to be utilized effectively grows as well. Popular platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn are powerful tools to connect nonprofits to their audiences. Effectively wielding social media for nonprofits can grow awareness, increase audience engagement and increase donations to your cause.

Develop your nonprofit social media strategy by asking these questions:

  1. What are you trying to accomplish?
  2. Who is your target audience?
  3. What is your unique voice?

Closeup of a phone screen showing social media apps, meant to represent the apps used for social media for nonprofits

What Are You Trying to Accomplish with Social Media?

 Social media is a way to brand build, engage the community, encourage volunteering and increase donations. One nonprofit that continually knocks it out of the park is The Humane Society. In 2006, the Humane Society began seriously using social media as a tool. By 2013 they were generating 5% of all their donations ($200,000 annually) through Facebook alone!

With an already developed community presence, adding a strong social media strategy can capitalize on the positive public image your nonprofit has worked so hard to develop. If your organization is still building its brand, social media is a great tool to build a trusted, positive reputation.

Who Is Your Target Audience?

Each nonprofit has a special audience that shares in their mission and passion. Taking the time to learn the key characteristics about your audience is incredibly important to develop a successful social media strategy. Your organization can learn key metric about your audience by using analytics software, such as Google Analytics. Analytics software provides detailed information about who is engaging with your site and how.

Knowing detailed metrics about your target audience is indispensable when crafting effective social media posts that will engage and inspire. Is your audience predominantly young or mature? Male or female? Affluent or working class? Targeting your audience appropriately can create a personal connection that leaves a deep, action-inspiring impression.

What Is Your Unique Voice?

Social Media is a vital marketing skill that can provide a substantial revenue stream if done effectively. Implementing a nonprofit social media strategy will take some effort to master (unless you outsource), but the effort can yield a massive return. The key is to understand your audience and develop your brand. Capitalize on the passion and the authenticity that makes up your nonprofit’s strong and unique voice.