Good news! We have found the best interns that Misfit in our company! Our summer interns have been working very hard to make Puzzle Pieces Marketing the best marketing company in San Diego! Here at Puzzle Pieces, our faculty is our family, and we feel that they need to be recognized for their hard work and dedication to this company. So we proudly present our 2017 summer interns:

Rachel Ford

Rachel is 24 and is a Senior at Penn State. She loves going to the beach and going to concerts with friends, and loves working with Puzzle Pieces Marketing of course!

“I was drawn to PPM because of their out of the box thinking. Angel and Kristine have prided themselves on not being the typical, stuffy, marketing firm. I think that is essential in fostering creativity. I also really like how a lot of the work at PPM is with local businesses and non-profits. I think this is important in creating relationships with the local community and presenting PPM as a socially responsible company.”

Shannon Greenberg

Shannon is 21 years old and is a Senior at the University of Alabama. She loves to travel, try different types of food, and go to the beach.

“I wanted to intern with PPM because I love the vibes from the marketing boutique agency. They are involved in the community and truly care about the companies they work with. Being 2 weeks into the internship, I can tell this will be a great opportunity for me to learn more about the marketing field.”

Chad Hadley

Chad is 24 years old and is a Senior at Point Loma Nazarene University. He loves to write, play golf and tennis, and enjoys mountain biking.

“As my graduation date draws ever nearer, I felt that I need to achieve some actual work experience before I was tossed into the world. Luckily, I discovered PPM and all my worries evaporated because I knew that I would gain so much interning for such a wonderful company. PPM stands for such great values and helps companies who deserve it, which is one of the many reasons why I decided to work for them.”

Rebecca Vaca

Rebecca is 19 years old and is a Junior at the University of South Dakota. She enjoys playing tennis and playing her ukulele by the beach.

“I decided to apply to work for Puzzle Pieces because they seemed like a down to earth company and they work hard to build good relations with different people because they care about their clients. I wanted to gain the best experience possible and I could not have asked for a better fit. I thought they would make me well prepared for whatever future job I choose to endeavor, and that could not be truer. It’s been a wonderful learning experience so far and I can’t wait to see what else I learn!”

Stacy Walden

Stacy is 20 years old and is a Junior at San Diego State University. She enjoys running, blogging, and exploring new places in San Diego.

“After interviewing with multiple companies, I knew Puzzle Pieces was the best choice to spend my summer with because by simply meeting their team, I realized how much growth and support I would receive from them. I really enjoy working in such a fun environment and seeing how our efforts not only improve companies and organizations, but also the community.”

Ashlyn Whelan

Ashlyn is 20 years old and is going to be a Junior at Gonzaga University in Washington. She loves spending time with friends and family, going to the beach, and reading.

“PPM grabbed my attention because of the firm’s intentional relationships with clients. Working with Puzzle Pieces encompasses many of my passions: creative thinking, solution-driven work, and team collaboration. The opportunity to intern here has actualized my passions into an experience. PPM stands out because it is a company that creates solutions to tell clients the most efficient and long lasting ways to reach their targeted clients.”


Puzzle Pieces Marketing is very proud to have these hard workers with us! We are grateful that these college students get to experience the marketing and communications field with our company. They have already created amazing work and we can not wait to see what else they have in store for us!