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Brand Refresh
Website Design & Development

MAAC is the leading provider of comprehensive social services in San Diego County in five key areas: Economic Development, Education, Health & Well-being, Housing and Advocacy & Leadership Development. By investing in tomorrow’s leaders, they create stronger, more vibrant communities where individuals and families can thrive.

Our branding and graphic design team gave MAAC a fresh new look that brought new life into its image, aligning it with contemporary community needs and its ongoing commitment to empowerment.

By updating their visual elements, the goal was to assist MAAC with strengthen their connection with the community and enhance their impact.

At the heart of this project was our mission to make the website a dream to use. We transformed the user experience into a seamless adventure, where every interaction is intuitive and delightful. No more hunting for information—everything is right at the visitor’s fingertips!

Our talented website design & development team worked their magic to design an engaging and informative mega menu that’s easy to navigate. With just a click, users can effortlessly explore every nook and cranny of the site, finding exactly what they need in a snap!

We splashed the site with bold, bright colors that created an uplifting visitor experience. The vibrant palette is paired with impactful images that tell MAAC’s story. Each page draws the users in and keeps them engaged.

Take a look at this playful and creative digital makeover where Puzzle Pieces Marketing brought a burst of color and joy to the MAAC online world!

We have appreciated and enjoyed every step of our partnership with Puzzle Pieces. The entire team has actively listened to our needs and helped create a plan that was easy for us to follow to gather everything needed for a brand refresh and complete website redesign. The end product is beautiful and we can’t wait to get it launched.

Susan Arias headshot

Susan Arias,
Director of Philanthropy & Communications

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